Tauro are the classic kneaders for pizzeria or for mixing small quantities of bread dough. The shape of the spiral, the relationship of its diameter with the bowl, together with the spiral and bowl revolutions provide the best dough results, while the presence of the central shaft improves the efficiency of the kneading machine. All the parts in contact with the dough are in stainless steel, the simple and functional control panel respects the rules in force.
Sigma Spiral Mixer Tauro-TAURO 35 – 2 Speeds
TAURO 35 - 2 Speeds
Categories: Bakery, Spiral & Fork Mixer, Uncategorized
Stainless steel bowl, spiral, shaft and grid;
Kinematic motion on pre-lubricated ball bearing;
Well rounded bottom bowl;
Frontal control panel with watertight seals;
Transmission with inextensible toothed belts;
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